Be My Own Boss
After having worked 8 years in Singapore Telecom’s subsidiary, Telecom Equipment, the opportunity to become one’s own head honcho presented itself with the coming of the DOTCOM revolution.
Not wanting to miss out on this ground-breaking wave, Mark started off by teaming up with an old colleague, to begin a new chapter as an entrepreneur.
After a short period of working together, Mark was content, but not fully satisfied. He yearned to pursue a very personal ambition that had been tugging at his heartstrings for a while now. And that ambition was the Video Conferencing business. In order to do so, he knew he had to go it alone!
But why Video Conferencing, one may wonder? There are so many options available in the tech world. Well, according to Mark’s research and observations, there was a growing need for it in Singapore, as it was becoming a favoured regional and global hub for many businesses and organisations.
A great number of global Multinationals had moved to Singapore because of the fantastic infrastructure, facilities, and Government incentives. So, there was a huge demand from all these businesses – as they wanted everything to move fast and they wanted it yesterday!
Video Conferencing has the power to simplify their communications. Making local, regional and global business time-efficient and cost-efficient. With it, companies and organisations can reduce cross-border travel, eradicate hotel costs, and make fast decisions. All without the need for face-to-face meetups.
Say hello to our pride and joy, NETe2 Asia!

I attempted something I have never tried before – Be my own boss!